Hair Loss
in Men
The majority of men can experience hair thinning or loss as they age. But why is this?

Reasons Behind Men's Hair Thinning
Male pattern hair loss affects hair by individual hairs becoming finer, thinner and shorter with each hair growth cycle, they miniaturised so that they are no longer visible.
Tailored Treatments & Expertise
If this is something you are worried about, book a consultation with Lorna now. Or to learn more about what to expect during the consultation process.
More information about different types of hair loss and scalp conditions:
Scarring Alopecias
Scarring can occur from one of these factors: infection, chemical or autoimmune.
Any bacterial infection which makes the scalp itch, causing an abrasion or making the infection worse by scratching, may result in scarring. The scar is formed once the abrasion heals itself, the scar tissue does not support hair growth as a result.
Chemical damage can occur when the chemical is strong enough to burn and damage skin cells, or cause a secondary infection. This may also result in scarring.

Autoimmune scarring alopecias can be progressive and a thorough history of all possible causes must be explored, early treatment is vital as there is no cure, although, with permission a referral to a GP or dermatologist for treatment with could include steroids, anti-malarial drugs or systemic antibiotics, may help halt the progression.
Websites of interest:
- Alopecia UK
- Alopecia Areata Support community
- BeBold
- Alopecia Awareness
- Hairline International
- National Alopecia Awareness Foundation (NAAF)
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50 Clarendon Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 4PE
Phone: +1 123-456-7890
Email: [email protected]